July 27th, 2:00-3:30pm

WRVT Office, 24 Sawdust Alley, Townshend


Meeting Minutes


ATTENDEES: Kristin Cox (WRVT), Kate Venne (WRVT), Lori Thornton (Townshend resident), Thara Fuller (WCSU), Robin Rieske (VDH), Karren Meyer (L&G, Newfane resident)


Time Topic Discussion Action
2:00 Sign in and refreshments
2:05 Introductions/Check-ins Lori: People around Townshend are concerned about the addiction issues that are happening around here.


Robin: VT young people (18-25 year olds) smoke more marijuana and drink more alcohol than in any other state. There is not as much as an issue w/ Rx drug misuse, but there is the perception that it is the biggest issue.

2:15 2015 WCSU Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results Discussed that use is going down slightly. Perception of risk/harm, perception of parental disapproval, perception of peer disapproval have all decreased slightly.


Robin: suggested to compare 2013 and 2015 to 2011 data also.


Karren: It’s concerning that such a low percentage of students are reporting perception of risk/harm and perception of parental disapproval


Thara: It’s challenging to reach parents and get them to volunteer or come to any workshops.


Robin: Parents and families are stressed – it’s hard to get anyone to participate in prevention programming despite efforts to reduce barriers. We need to work on education about the effect of alcohol on brain development – parents tend to worry about drinking and driving more.


Karren: Parents are very stressed out and already over-extended.


Karren: There was a concert recently on the green in Newfane – numerous people were drinking and using vapor pipes in front of children. How do we change the perception that this is OK in our community?



























Find more supportive ways to offer prevention education to parents that don’t add to existing pressure and obligations.


Organizing youth dialogue opportunity and selectboard presentations on the YRBS results.


Add tobacco/e-cigarette information to YRBS results

2:30 Mission Statement – Proposed Revision Will address this at the next meeting.



Marijuana Education – newspaper ad ideas

Lori: one of the ads is too wordy – it’s hard to focus on the whole thing.


The target is teen parents.


Robin – suggested to ask parents what they think of the ads and what they think is important since they are the target audience

Create message: Talk to your teen about marijuana.


Focus on one statistic in the ad that is the most important.


Talk about effects on the brain in the ad.



Race Fundraiser Plans for October – Recruiting Volunteers Kristin and Kate gave an update on plans for a Halloween-themed 5K in Townshend – along the West River Trail in Townshend to the dam


Robin: offer runners a giveaway w/ a prevention message




Other/Upcoming Meetings

L&G SAP – There is no funding for this through the school for the coming year. Are there any local clinicians who can cover one day per week for screening/assessment? (could potentially be paid through the Regional Prevention Partnership) Kristin will connect w/ Bob Thibault to discuss updates on SAP counseling