June 26, 2019

On Monday, June 24th, West River Valley Thrives hosted a breakfast for town officials, community members, law enforcement, healthcare and social service agencies, and schools to learn more about the commercial marijuana legislation (S.54) being considered in Montpelier. Four Legislators – Senator Jeanette White, Representative Emily Long, Representative Kelly Pajala, and Representative Laura Sibilia – explained the Legislative process, where the bill currently stands, what is and is not in the bill, and how citizens can be more involved in determining its outcome. They also spoke about the new prevention bill (Act 13, or H.146) that was signed by Governor Scott on June 20th.

Read more about what our Legislators and community members had to say at this first community discussion in Windham County on the commercial marijuana legislation.

News Media Coverage

The Commons: http://www.commonsnews.org/site/sitenext/story.php?articleno=30650

The Brattleboro Reformer: https://www.reformer.com/stories/legislators-seek-input-on-marijuana-law,577768