· 41% of community members surveyed think that it is easy for teenagers to get marijuana.· School violations related to tobacco, marijuana and prescription drugs more than double from the 2012-2013 to 2013-2014 school year.· 68% of parents agree that underage drinking is a problem.

· Teens think smoking marijuana is less harmful than drinking regularly or smoking cigarettes.

Community Forum
Thursday November 20, 2014
6:00 pm at Calvary Chapel in W. Townshend

Child care and dinner will be provided

 These are just a few of the findings from surveys conducted by West River Valley Thrives (WRVthrives) over the past eight months as part of a community assessment process.  Overall this process is designed to paint a picture of what the issues are around youth substance use in the community, determine underlying factors that contribute to these issues, and identify strategies that address the heart of the issues.So far in this process, WRVthrives has engaged community members in a variety of ways from taking surveys, participating in interviews, as well as tabulating and analyzing the data.  On November 20th, WRVthrives is hosting a community forum to gain more insight through discussion on the key factors that are contributing to these issues in the West River Valley.To make an impact, we need to work together to identify the issues and implement the solutions.  Your input will help direct the actions of this community partnership as we come together to create a healthier community with, and for, our youth.