WRVthrives Online

WRVthrives Online

West River Valley Thrives is launching its new website. Come to our June Partnership Meeting to get the official tour of the site and give your feedback. Thursday June 11, 2015 from 3:00-4:30pm at the Grace Cottage Wellness Center.



Webs I’m feeling tangled Sad and angry Confused When did he turn into someone I don’t know? I try to look at myself How is this a message? What needs to heal? No, this is about him What does he need to learn? What meaning is he making? Every thread I follow Connects...



by Jaclyn Hamilton, Leland and Gray School Assistance Professional An e-cigarette is a battery powered device that heats a liquid solution to produce a vapor for inhalation. The solution varies in nicotine levels, and there is even a 0% nicotine option for people who...

Discussing the misuse of prescription drugs

Discussing the misuse of prescription drugs

April 16, 2015 Partnership Meeting   Discussion on prescription drug misuse in this area While the statistics are low on young people’s misuse of prescription drugs compared to other substances, we want to get ahead of the curve with our prevention efforts. 8% of...

Reviewing the Action Plan for the DFC grant

Reviewing the Action Plan for the DFC grant

February 24, 2015 Partnership Meeting Discussed the Action Plan Outline below for the Drug Free Communities Grant. Parent education and skill development Active Parenting of Teens – parenting class Driver’s education – letter to parents about risks of teens driving...

Community Forum on Youth Substance Use

Community Forum on Youth Substance Use

November 20, 2014 Ground Rules: Listen with an open mind Respect other’s opinions Assume no malicious intent Speak from your own experience Don’t interrupt others Be open to learning something new Small groups looked at data provided related to different substances...

Community Forum on Youth Substance Use

Community Forum on Youth Substance Use

· 41% of community members surveyed think that it is easy for teenagers to get marijuana.· School violations related to tobacco, marijuana and prescription drugs more than double from the 2012-2013 to 2013-2014 school year.· 68% of parents agree that underage drinking...

Mixed Messages Targeting Youth

You have surely heard of the term, “Mixed Messages”. Our understanding of a mixed message is when someone is giving off a certain feeling or vibe but their actions do not match those feelings or vibes. Someone might say they enjoy spending time with us but when we ask them for attention, they do not show up or give us what we need. Someone may devour a meal we make for them but then communicate that it was the worst meal of their life. We encounter mixed messages daily. 

Sometimes, mixed messages are harder to notice than other times and those other times, they can be incredibly obvious. But, did you know there are mixed messages targeted to children? Alcohol and tobacco companies create specific mixed messages of their products, their advertisements, and their product locations within stores to lure youth in, promote their product and make them think that use of their products isn’t unhealthy for them.

Some examples of these types of mixed messages are the location of alcohol beverages in stores. Notice that oftentimes, there are alcoholic beverages directly next to non-alcoholic beverages such as iced tea that you might allow your child(ren) to have. Or how packaging on cases of beer or vape and tobacco products is colorful and eye-catching? This isn’t for you! This is for youth! 

Tobacco and alcohol companies use these advertising tactics to attract youth. This is how they ensure future users of their products. They may associate their products with familiar items such as movies, cartoon characters, and celebrities or candy and snacks, making their brand appealing to youth and enticing them to try their products. These tactics reduce youths’ perception of harm when these types of products are directly marketed toward kids making the individual feel that the product must be fun and maybe even good for them. 

When adult products are placed next to products that are for anyone to consume, it can be hard to recognize. Be sure to always check the labels on the product you are purchasing for your child(ren). For example, if you are buying an iced tea beverage, double check the can or bottle to make sure it does not state HARD or ALCOHOLIC. Sometimes, it can be hard to notice these details. 

Below are some examples of mixed messages. It is important for adults to talk to the youth and young adults in their lives to help them recognize and understand that though the products may seem harmless and fun based on their appearance or placement in a store, they are not. 

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