No Butts About It! Project Expansion Within Two Coalitions

Deerfield Valley Community Partnership and West River Valley Thrives have been addressing the problem of cigarette butt litter. This work is thanks to the collaboration of middle/high school prevention groups, community members and local business owners. Both...

Jennifer Matheson: A conversation with a local gem!

Jennifer Matheson is one of those people who, when you meet them, you know that you’re going to be glad you did! Born and raised in the West River Valley, Jennifer has a strong sense of place, a commitment to her community and the skills and passion to make a...

A Love Letter to the West River Valley

While our staff member Jacob was taking breaks from packing up his boxes to depart on his new adventure back home in the Midwest, he took some time to reflect on his time in the West River Valley. Read his thoughts below! The process of packing, tying up loose ends,...

New Routines for a New Year

Let’s be real—it’s a hard time for resolutions and changing unwanted habits. The stressors of the pandemic leave us all reaching for coping mechanisms that aren’t always healthy. However, New Year’s resolutions do not have to be lofty. They can even aim at reducing a...