by wrvthrives | Oct 23, 2018 | Announcements, Events/Activities, Prevention/Health Info
If you missed the September 26th expert panel presentations and community Q&A on Youth and the Impact of Vermont’s Marijuana Law, you may now view it on West River Valley Thrives’ YouTube channel here. The same content will be available through...
by wrvthrives | Oct 12, 2018 | Announcements, Events/Activities, Prevention/Health Info
Mark Your Calendars! National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is Saturday, October 27th! West River Valley Thrives invites community members to take advantage of Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. Take some time to clean out your medicine cabinets of all extra unused or...
by wrvthrives | Oct 12, 2018 | Announcements, Events/Activities, Prevention/Health Info
West River Valley Thrives in the news! Read our featured article in the October 10, 2018 edition of The Commons detailing the informative panel presentation and community discussion on Youth and the Impact of Vermont’s Marijuana Law. Some of our presenters...
by wrvthrives | Sep 6, 2018 | Events/Activities
The 3rd annual Dash to the Dam is coming soon! It is a costumed 5k run/walk this October 21st along the West River Trail in Townshend. Sign-in will be at the Townshend Dam Recreational Area (3845 VT-30, Townshend, VT 05353) and everyone will be bussed to the starting...
by wrvthrives | Sep 4, 2018 | Events/Activities, Meeting Minutes
West River Valley Thrives announces its first coalition open house of 2018. Located at Leland & Gray Union Middle and High School, we cordially invite you to join staff, board members, volunteers, parents, students, town officials, practitioners, and community...
by wrvthrives | Aug 30, 2018 | Events/Activities
From March through August 2018, West River Valley Thrive’s director and project coordinator attended the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America’s National Coalition Academy in Baltimore, MD, to receive 96 contact hours of comprehensive training focused on SAMHSA’s...