If you missed the September 26th expert panel presentations and community Q&A on Youth and the Impact of Vermont’s Marijuana Law, you may now view it on West River Valley Thrives’ YouTube channel here. The same content will be available through BCTV’s scheduled programming, so if you watch Brattleboro Area Community Television, keep an eye out for this presentation.
A shorter snippet that was taken from this 1 1/2 hour presentation and Q&A is a six-minute segment of Kurt White’s presentation that he posted to cortalks.org.
For questions, comments, feedback, or to volunteer with West River Valley Thrives, reach out to us here:
Steve Tavella / Director: wrvtdirector@gmail.com
Nick Plante / Project Coordinator: wrvthrives@gmail.com
Web: www.wrvthrives.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westrivervalleythrives/
Phone: 802-365-4700
Address: P.O. Box 37, Townshend, VT 05353